Media School A facility sponsored by the organization for youth skills empowerment Thank you {{_name}}.We will be contacting you via {{contact_method}}, regarding your application. 11 Welcome to Save a Life Media School! (Sponsored by your favorite NGO: Save a Life Community)About Save a Life Media SchoolSave a Life Media School is a fully-equipped training facility with studio, run by the organization as part of our youth empowerment program. In this facility, we train the youth in media and computer literacy to equip them with industry skills that help them become productive and self-dependent. The youth empowerment program is aimed at reducing crime rate, drug & substance abuse, poverty and idleness in the youth. Through this program, the organization has empowered over 2500 youth so far. Majority of our graduates are practicing with our partner Media Houses, while some are working in private practice. We offer full scholarship to qualifying applicants every three months and hold a graduation ceremony annually. Our certificates are highly sought by media employers. The curriculum includes the following units; Introduction to mass communication Graphic Design Photo Journalism Computer Packages Language & Communication Principles of Public Relations Video Production Apply today and who knows, you might be in our list of elite applicants selected for full scholarship. There's no catch - If you've ever had an interest in media, this is your best chance! * A one-time application fee of KES 2,000 is required.Start ApplicationNow that you know about us, tell us a bit about yourself... GUIDELINES - Please note that every application is reviewed individually and all selected applicants contacted at the end of the intake duration. - Your personally identifiable information is held confidentially and used only for purposes of processing your application. - If you need any assistance at any point during your application, please contact us.* First Name* Last Name Continue Pleased to meet you {{_first_name}}. Just a bit more information and we'll be done here...* Academic QualificationWhat's your highest academic qualification?No Academic QualificationsHigh School Level (Form 1-4)Campus/ University Level (Year 1-5)Graduate Level (Undergraduate degree)Post Graduate Level* NationalityPlease select your nationalityKenyanNon-Kenyan* ID/ Passport Number* National ID/ PassportAttach a scanned or clear copy of your National ID/ Passport gif jpg jpeg png psd tif tiff * GenderPlease select your genderMaleFemaleBigender* Date of Birth* Recent Passport Photo Attach your passport photo (portrait) gif jpg jpeg png psd tif tiff * Place of Residence Continue Good job {{_first_name}}! We're almost there... Please give a summary of why you are interested in this scholarship, and what's your passion for media?* Summary Continue Thank you {{_first_name}}. Finally, how would you like to be contacted?EmailPhone Send Application Powered by NEX-Forms